The Scriptotek (from “scripting” + the Norwegian word for “library”) is an open community for friendly librarians and their helpers within the Norwegian (Scandinavian?) library sector, whoever interested in coding to automate everyday tasks, create or improve services for our users, or what have you. Some background in Norwegian.
Mailing list
Join our mailing list if you’re interested in discussing code projects, upcoming workshops (library carpentry) or whatever. The main language for the list is Norwegian, but feel free to write in English.
Code sharing
We love using GitHub for code sharing. You’ll find lots of projects on Scriptoteket, and in addition the BI library has their own site with some cool Alma and Primo stuff.
During spring 2016 vi arranged Biblioteksløyd beta (resource page), inspired by Software Carpentry and Library Carpentry. We look forward to more workshops in the future.
There’s a blog too, albeit not often updated. Anything you want to write about?